Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Huckabee the Zealot

Mike Huckabee has made it this far by playing the nice, easygoing, funny populist. he has managed to deflect any criticism with a joke, and let's face it, the guy is funny, but geez- he's a little on the creepy side, too.

He recently said that the U.S. Constitution should be amended to more closely match "God's Laws." Um, 'scuse me? How is this any different than Islamic fundies wanting to set up Islamic states in the Middle East? Anytime you mix religion with politics, this is what you get. What if Romney wins? His religious beliefs are little different than mainline denominations. Would the Constitution require us to wear funny underwear and give up coffee?

For more scariness from the Huckabilly campaign, just check out this post from Think Progress detailing statements of Huckabee's "senior advisor" James Pinkerton.