Saturday, January 19, 2008

West Memphis Three

This hasn't been a good week on the West Memphis Three front. First, our idiot of an Attorney General (who, BTW, I voted for, but I won't EVER again!) said that there was no new evidence pointing to the WM3's innocence. WTF? No- no evidence at all, except for a complete lack of DNA from any of the accused and DNA from two other men. Of course, with secondary transfer, it is possible that the DNA found were deposited by innocent means, but if that DNA stuck, surely the DNA of someone involved in such a violent crime would be left behind. Cripes, McDaniel- pull your head out of your ass and form an original thought. I swear, you make the rest of Arkansas look stupid.

In other news, the WM3 Innocence Project, led by Mara Leveritt, who has made quite a bit of money off sales of her book and from speaking fees related to this case, launched this week and immediately tried to ingratiate themselves with Damien by attacking his wife. The gist of their claims is this: the site has raised millions of dollars and have provided no account of the money or how it was spent. Most of the money was funneled to Damien and left Jason and Jessie out in the cold.

It has never been a secret that the bulk of the legal funds have been directed to Damien's defense. Damien is on death row, so his case is the more urgent of the three. What the WM3 Innocence Project failed to mention is that all three men benefit from the new evidence that has been uncovered, they all benefit from the DNA analysis and they will all benefit from the public outcry that has fueled. Damien and Jason have both disavowed this group. You can visit to read their statements.